Aurora Solar's acquisition of Lyra signifies a transforming leap in solar permitting, streamlining processes and accelerating project delivery.

Aurora Solar's Acquisition of Lyra: The Push For Faster Solar Permit Approvals Continue

July 15, 20247 min read

Breaking Down the Acquisition

In a transformative wave through the solar industry, Aurora Solar has acquired Lyra, an innovative provider of instant plan set packages designed to expedite solar permitting. This move signals a pivotal moment in the solar industry's evolution, blending cutting-edge software with industry-leading accuracy to simplify complex permit processes.

Understanding Lyra’s Role in Solar Permitting

What is Lyra?

Lyra is renowned for its permit packaging software that aids solar professionals in automating, creating, and exporting permit-ready design plans. This software is a game-changer in an industry notorious for its cumbersome and time-intensive permit processes.

The Permit Challenge

Obtaining permits for solar installations can be a challenging endeavor. The following factors contribute to these hurdles:

  1. Complex Regulations: Authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) often have stringent and varying regulations.

  2. Manual Data Entry: The traditional approach relies heavily on manual data entry, which is tedious and prone to errors.

  3. Delays and Costs: These challenges lead to significant delays and added costs for both homeowners and installers.

How Lyra Simplifies Permitting

By integrating Lyra's advanced automation with the Aurora Solar platform, the acquisition aims to:

  • Provide instant, permit-ready proposals.

  • Increase the speed of project delivery.

  • Reduce costs associated with solar installations.

  • Boost overall efficiency by minimizing manual data entry and errors.

Grants for California to Automate Solar Permits

The California Energy Commission has awarded grants to cities and counties to automate the solar permitting process, facilitating an easier transition for property owners to adopt solar power. These efforts aim to streamline and accelerate the approval of solar installations, reducing the burden on property owners. My Solar Solutions is contributing to this initiative with their advanced virtual solar system, which enables homeowners and business owners to visualize solar panel installations on their properties without requiring an on-site visit. By simplifying the quoting process, My Solar Solutions encourages property owners to request more information and take the first step towards adopting solar power seamlessly.

Read The Full Story Here:

Utility Companies' Solar Investments Empower Homeowners to Manage Energy Costs

Utility companies are increasingly investing in solar energy, which has significant implications for homeowners seeking to manage their energy costs. As utility companies embrace solar power, they are able to offer more competitive rates and incentives for homeowners to adopt solar technology. This shift in the energy landscape presents an opportunity for homeowners to take control of their energy expenses by transitioning to solar power. By leveraging the growing investment in solar energy by utility companies, homeowners can potentially lower their energy bills and contribute to the broader adoption of renewable energy sources.

Ready Full Story Here:

Aurora Solar’s Strategic Move

Vision Behind the Acquisition

Chris Hopper, CEO at Aurora Solar, articulated the strategic rationale: “Lyra’s advanced automation software for plan sets is the solution the solar industry needs to alleviate a key homeowner pain point – the often agonizing local permitting process – and cut down on wasted time and energy for solar professionals.”

Aiming for Market Leadership

Aurora Solar’s goal is clear: to be the market leader in U.S. residential plan set services and automation. With Lyra's integration, Aurora Solar is poised to fast-track its journey towards this ambitious objective.

Key Features of the Integrated Platform

Enhanced Accuracy and Trust

Aurora Solar prides itself on being the most trusted and accurate solar sales and design tool, with 80% of the top U.S. installers relying on its platform. The integration with Lyra is expected to enhance these features further.

Automation of Plan Sets

The combined platform will feature:

  1. Instant Plan Sets: Quickly generate permit-ready plans.

  2. Automation: Minimize manual intervention, reducing the scope for errors.

  3. Export Capabilities: Simplified export processes for documentation and permits.

User-Friendly Interface

The integration will also focus on maintaining a user-friendly interface, ensuring solar installers can navigate and use the system with ease, thereby maximizing efficiency.

Benefits for Solar Installers

Speed and Efficiency

Solar installers will experience:

  • Faster Turnaround: Swift conversion of proposals into permit-ready plans.

  • Lower Costs: Reduction in labor and time costs.

  • More Installations: Ability to handle more projects simultaneously, boosting business growth.

Enhanced Competitiveness

By leveraging the integrated platform, installers can offer competitive timelines and pricing, making solar installations more attractive to homeowners.

The Impact on Homeowners

Simplified Permitting

Homeowners stand to benefit significantly from the acquisition due to a simplified and expedited permitting process. This means:

  • Less Frustration: Reduced delays and bureaucratic tangles.

  • Quicker Installations: Faster transition from purchase to installation.

  • Cost Savings: Lower permitting costs transferred to homeowners.

Increased Adoption of Solar Energy

As the permitting process becomes less of a bottleneck, it's likely that more homeowners will opt for solar energy, contributing to increased adoption rates.

My Solar Solutions Simplifying The Solar Process

My Solar Solutions is dedicated to simplifying the solar quoting process for both homeowners and business owners by leveraging their advanced virtual solar consulting process. Switching to solar should be simple and rewarding. You save money, help the environment and benefit from government incentives from day one.

Like most research the process starts online- But by the time homeowners hit submit, they're immediately bombarded with calls from several companies, leading to countless sales presentations and numerous follow-ups. 

Things get more confusing between the various estimates, solar jargon, and financing options, leaving homeowners to roll the dice when it comes to choosing a solar company. And there are thousands of solar companies offering thousands of different experiences and prices for such a narrow breadth of products.

Meet My Solar Solutions, an online Virtual Solar Brokerage with over a decade of experience and access to wholesale pricing, they offer a streamlined, hassle-free solar experience. No aggressive sales tactics: just clear pricing, premium equipment, straightforward financing, and top-tier service from agents who have been serving homeowners nationwide for over a decade.

Schedule a complimentary call to ensure you’re getting the best rate and representation for your solar project - even if you have already signed a contract.

My Solar Solutions provides a more direct and honest way to go solar. We believe different is better. We hope you agree.

The Future of Solar Permitting

Industry Implications

The acquisition of Lyra by Aurora Solar is more than a corporate maneuver. It's a signal of the future of solar permitting—a future characterized by:

  • Advanced Automation: Increased reliance on automated tools to streamline processes.

  • Improved Accuracy: Higher precision in design and permit documentation.

  • Enhanced Scalability: Ability to manage a higher volume of projects efficiently.

Challenges Ahead

While the focus on automation and efficiency is promising, the industry will need to address challenges such as:

  • Ensuring consistent regulatory compliance across varied jurisdictions.

  • Managing the transition for professionals accustomed to manual processes.

  • Training and support for users to maximize the benefits of the new platform.

In summary, the acquisition of Lyra by Aurora Solar represents a significant leap towards resolving long-standing challenges in solar permitting. By automating and streamlining the process, this integration will not only benefit solar professionals and homeowners but also drive broader adoption of solar energy across the U.S.


1. What is the primary benefit of integrating Lyra with Aurora Solar?

The primary benefit is the ability to provide instant, permit-ready proposals, which speeds up project delivery and reduces costs.

2. How will this acquisition impact solar installers?

Solar installers will experience faster turnaround times, lower costs, and the capability to handle more projects simultaneously.

3.What challenges does the solar permitting process currently face?

The process faces challenges such as complex regulations, heavy reliance on manual data entry, and significant delays leading to increased costs.

4. Who will benefit the most from this acquisition?

Both solar installers and homeowners will benefit greatly from a more streamlined, faster, and cost-effective permitting process.

5. What is Aurora Solar’s ultimate goal with this acquisition?

Aurora Solar aims to become the market leader in U.S. residential plan set services and automation.

Solar PermitsAurora LyraSolarPermitsSolar Batteries
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