California's new automated solar permitting initiative accelerates solar energy adoption.

California Energy Commission gives grants to cities and counties for automated solar permits

July 11, 20246 min read

We're standing at the edge of a solar revolution, folks! The California Energy Commission has just announced a whopping $18.9 million in grants to help 334 cities and counties automate residential solar energy permits. This move aims to make the process faster, cheaper, and more accessible. Let's dive deep into the benefits, details, and future of this groundbreaking initiative.

The Solar Surge: Why This Matters

The Current Solar Landscape

Did you know that only 10% of properties in California have solar panels? While this seems like a decent start, it's far from sufficient if the state aims to meet its ambitious clean energy goals. For California to position itself as a leader in clean energy, the growth of rooftop solar needs to skyrocket.

The Permitting Problem

One of the biggest hurdles? Permitting. The road to acquiring a solar permit is often long, winding, and full of red tape. Outdated processes, staff shortages, and hefty costs can add months of delays, effectively discouraging property owners from going solar.

The CalAPP Initiative: A Game Changer

What is CalAPP?

Enter CalAPP, the California Automated Permit Processing Program. Established by the state legislature in 2021 and launched in 2022, CalAPP is revolutionizing how cities and counties handle solar permits. This initiative provides grants and technical assistance to automate the permitting process, cutting down the wait time from months to just a few clicks.

Grants and Recipients

CalAPP closed its application window on June 30, 2024, and announced the final recipients in early July. Over 330 cities and counties are now on the fast track to simplifying and speeding up solar permitting, thanks to these grants.

Official Statements

“We're thrilled to disburse funds to make it easier for residents to go solar,” said David Hochschild, Chair of the California Energy Commission. “CalAPP is a win for residents, building departments, solar businesses, and our environment.”

Legislative Backing

California went further by passing legislation requiring local governments to automate residential solar and storage permitting. Large cities and counties had until June 30 to comply, and many have already jumped on board.

Benefits of Automated Solar Permitting

Instant Permits

Imagine clicking a button and getting your solar permit on the spot. With automated systems, contractors can now receive permits instantly, cutting down on those agonizing waits.

Cost Savings

Less time spent means lower costs. By automating the permitting process, cities and residents alike can save thousands of dollars. That’s money better spent on the actual installation of solar panels.

Staff Time Savings

In 2023 alone, the SolarAPP+—one of the most popular automation tools—saved 15,400 hours of staff time. That's a lot of hours that can now be redirected towards more meaningful tasks!

SolarAPP+ and Other Tools: How It Works

SolarAPP+ Software

Developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in collaboration with industry experts and building safety officials, SolarAPP+ is the go-to software for automating solar permits. It meets all requirements of California’s automated permitting legislation and drastically cuts down timelines.

Alternatives to SolarAPP+

For cities and counties looking for options, alternative software solutions exist. Symbium, a Silicon Valley tech company's software, or even homegrown solutions can be used to automate permitting. The choice is vast, giving local governments the flexibility to choose what works best for them.

Deployment and Integration

Deploying these software solutions is a breeze. Many cities and counties have quickly integrated them into their systems with minimal fuss, setting a precedent for others to follow.

My Solar Solutions Helping Homeowners Secure Grants For Affordable Energy:

In addition to the benefits provided by the California Automated Permit Processing Program (CalAPP), homeowners can also take advantage of the extensive experience offered by My Solar Solutions. With over a decade of expertise in assisting homeowners with securing solar grants and incentives, My Solar Solutions is dedicated to helping reduce energy costs. Their in-depth knowledge of public policy and solar regulations enables them to offer tailored advice and solutions to homeowners nationwide. We encourage you to book a call with My Solar Solutions to see if your home qualifies for solar grants and start your journey towards more affordable, sustainable energy.

Case Studies: Successful Implementations

Small Town, Big Impact: City of Arcata

Take Arcata, for example. This small city leveraged the CalAPP grants to deploy SolarAPP+, resulting in a significant reduction in permit processing times. Residents couldn’t be happier, and the local government is impressed with the efficiency.

Efficient and Effective: Los Angeles County

In Los Angeles County, one of the largest recipients of CalAPP funds, the impact has been monumental. With thousands of permits processed instantly, the county has become a model for other regions looking to simplify their solar permitting processes.

The Ripple Effect: Economic and Environmental Benefits

Job Creation

With faster and cheaper solar installations, the demand for solar panel installation is set to soar, creating a plethora of job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

Environmental Impact

Every new solar panel installed brings us closer to combating climate change. The increased adoption of solar energy helps reduce carbon emissions, creating a healthier environment for all.

Overcoming Challenges

Addressing Technological Barriers

Transitioning to automated systems isn't without challenges. Some cities may face technological barriers or resistance to change. However, with proper training and support, these hurdles can be overcome.

Ensuring Compliance

Ensuring all cities and counties comply with the new requirements is crucial. The California Energy Commission has been active in monitoring and providing support to ensure a smooth transition.

Future Updates and Improvements

As technology evolves, so will SolarAPP+ and other permitting tools. Continuous updates and improvements will ensure that the systems remain efficient and user-friendly.

The Road Ahead: Sustainability and Scalability

Long-Term Vision

California’s commitment to clean energy doesn't stop here. The state aims to make solar energy accessible to everyone, ensuring a sustainable and scalable future for renewable energy.

Potential Expansion

While the focus is currently on residential solar permits, there's potential for expanding these automation tools to commercial and industrial projects, broadening the impact even further.

Collaborative Efforts

Collaboration between the state, local governments, and private companies is key. As more entities come together, the momentum for solar adoption will only grow stronger.

In a nutshell, California's move to automate solar permitting is a monumental step towards a brighter, greener future. By simplifying the process, cutting costs, and accelerating installations, the state is setting a gold standard in renewable energy adoption.

California is blazing a trail with its new automated solar permitting, driven by a $18.9 million investment into communities. This initiative promises faster, cheaper solar installations, benefiting everyone from homeowners to the environment. By leveraging tools like SolarAPP+ and collaborating across various sectors, California is poised to lead the nation in solar energy adoption.


  1. What is CalAPP?

    • CalAPP stands for the California Automated Permit Processing Program, designed to streamline and automate the residential solar permitting process.

  2. How much money has been allocated for this initiative?

    • The California Energy Commission has allocated $18.9 million for automated solar permitting grants across 334 cities and counties.

  3. What software is commonly used for automated permitting?

    • SolarAPP+, developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, is the most common tool used.

  4. What are the benefits of automated solar permitting?

    • Benefits include instant permits, cost savings, and reduction in staff time required for processing permits.

  5. Can businesses utilize automated permitting tools?

    • While currently focused on residential permits, there is potential for expanding these tools to commercial and industrial projects in the future.

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